My Miranda is a princess in her kingdom.
Every little thing she makes is magic to her and a mystery to us. She lives in a kingdom unaffected by the spots and blemishes that are part of rustic country living. It makes no difference what surrounds her as long as she is allowed to imagine and create freely. In her world, even the dog is a stately lord (he graces a Batman cape with canine dignity)..
My girl is a passionate dreamer. This is reflected by the paper and string scraps endlessly strewn across our floor. She sings like Dorothy and dances like the Sugar-Plum Fairy while competing with Pigpen for the "Messiest Person" award. The world is her oyster. If I try to shake it up I'll hear her answering in an accent just like Judy Garland's...and then she'll sing her mismatched socks off..
Oh, to keep that kind of spirit, ability to overlook the bad and rejoice in whatever life brings, and make something of it! What a treasure!
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone could keep her from seeing beauty in everthing around her! We are in the middle of making a cardboard box castle furnished with tables and chairs made our of paper-slip-covered tin cans and blocks. I'll post pictures when we finish. She is so proud of her hard work.